Thursday, February 26, 2015

You know on Date Night

You know you're the wife of a youth pastor when....for Valentine's Day you tell him, "All I really want to do for Valentine's Day is to watch (insert name here) in his high school play. It's running this weekend and this is our last chance to see it."  And you do. And it's perfect.

Photo taken from Itemizer Observer and the CHS Thespian booster facebook page.

Monday, February 16, 2015

You Know When He Reads Your Diary

You know you're the wife of a youth pastor when he opens his lesson with this statement, "I'm going to be reading to you from my wife's diary tonight....oh, I forgot to check with's ok, right?"
And, you are actually ok with it. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

When You're Complimented on Your Outfit

You know you're the wife of a youth pastor when one compliment by a teenage girl (who was probably 6 years old when you BOUGHT your outfit) tells you she likes your outfit and that she wants to get pants just like yours!
Especially if it's after one of your children tells you, "You look like Jessie, from Toy Story know, the movie that makes you cry."  
And your other child looks up at you during church and says, "Mom, you look like a train conductor."  Thanks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

When you Think You've Seen it all

When you're on a Junior High Retreat and you think you've seen it all...and then realize you haven't seen it all.  And when parents/friends/relatives/church members ask you how the retreat went, you don't even bother to explain some of the crazy, sad and amazing things that happen and just say, "it was great! (which it was but no one has time to hear all the details and you feel a bit like Jesus' mother, Mary, where you just store up and treasure these moments in your heart)."