Monday, October 26, 2015

You Know With a Rubber Chicken

You know you're the wife of a youth pastor when your hubby can find a rubber chicken without any trouble.
My husband slipped out of church to prepare for youth group and as he left,I whispered to him, "For the games I will need two white boards, two markers and the rubber chicken." He replied, "I know right where the chicken is."

Saturday, October 3, 2015

You Know With a Mickle

You know you're the wife of a youth pastor when you expand your vocabulary.

Last night was a 5th Quarter Party at our house. It's a gathering for the high school students after the home football game.  Last night we played a great game called "Wise and Otherwise". It's similar to "Boulderdash" except it uses obscure phrases.  I learned "mickle" and "muckle."  Who knew those were real words!?!? 
Some words I have to 'google' when I see things on facebook and then I am totally scarred for life.  But usually it's all fun and I'm glad to keep learning!

  1. 1.
    a large amount.
  1. 1.
    very large.
    "she had a great big elephant … that's one of those mickle beasts from Africa"
determiner & pronoun
  1. 1.
    much; a large amount.

And many mickle make a muckle!